Pessoa humana

Oi, gente.

É, fora as fotos que eu andei publicando, eu andei meio quieto...

Não que não houvesse o que falar. Sempre há. Mas tem horas que não bate a inspiração, simplesmente. E tem horas que isso acontece por falta de ânimo.

O que acaba com o ânimo? Xi, mil coisas! Pode ser algo triste, pode ser uma notícia ruim, pode ser saudade...

Pra mim, mudanças e dúvidas costumam "funcionar". Quando não sinto o chão firme sob meus pés, quando o dia amanhece chuvoso e era pra sair o Sol, eu me ressinto.


"Minhas feições se formam com a mudança do clima."

Tears for Fears - "Mother's Talk"

My features form with a change in the weather
We can work it out
My features form with a change in the weather
We can work it out
When the wind blows
When the mothers talk
When the wind blows
When the wind blows
When the mothers talk
When the wind blows
We can work it out

It's not that you're not good enough
It's just that we can make you better
Given that you pay the price
We can keep you young and tender
Following in the footsteps of a funeral pyre
You were paid not listen now your house is on fire

Wake me up when things get started
When everything starts to happen


Some of us horrified
Others never talk about it
But when the weather starts to burn
Then you'll know that you're in trouble
Following in the footsteps of a soldier girl
It is time to put your clothes on and to face the world

Don't you feel your luck is changing
When everything starts to happen
Put your head right next to my heart
The beat of the drum is the fear of the dark


(in Songs from the Big Chair, 1986)



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